Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Attack of the Cedars

Cedar pollen is the bane of a seemingly huge number of Japanese people. Everybody's eyes are watering. Everyone's face is covered in white masks. They suffer. People don't go out. The economy shrinks. And why? Because 60 or 70 years ago, a gazillion cedar trees were planted all over Japan to take advantage of the growing housing market. However, something happened, and the price of cedar skyrocketed, and the trees were never cut down. Soon after, everybody started to develop varying levels of allergies to the trees' pollen. The kanji which symbolizes this allergy is actually relatively new.

Why doesn't the government cut them down now? Well, before they were planted, a ton of indigenous trees were razed to make room for the pollen-profferers. If the cedars are cut down now, there will be a lot of ugly, barren hillsides. Another (possibly more cynical) reason is that the pharmaceutical (and other) companies depend on these mighty cedars for their profits. Cut the trees and you cut the sales of pills, sprays, masks, air purifiers, and numerous other products I'm sure.

Post scriptum: The gist of this blog was communicated to me by a student and like a good little blogger I have done no research at all to substantiate it. However, I have received confirmation from a few other students that something like the above happened in the past. And so, I have passed these facts on to you.


Yu-chan said...

I've been sneezing all day. It may be possible that I'm a new member of the white-masked people.
Those pictures made my nose itchy!

Sean O'Hagan said...

It's true, she sneezed all day. I hope it doesn't last for 3 months!

Julie said...

Very interesting, but very disappointing to get to the end and find out that this may or may not be true. It is your responsibility to research this matter and let your readers know if that is the real story. Dad

Sean O'Hagan said...

Your point is understood and well taken. But forgive me if I leave it to the retired among us to do the legwork. (haha) I'm changing this blog's charter by excising the words "one hundred percent factual" and including these "anecdotes welcome".

Julie said...

dad says to tell you that we are EXERCISING too ..hahahahaha

Sean O'Hagan said...

I hope you're exercising your brain. ;)

Julie said...

...but did you get it ? "exising " and "exercising " hahahaha

Sean O'Hagan said...

Oh, did I e'er.

Did you get that one?

Gaijin Girl said...
