Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A bad feeling

We went to Tachikawa the other day (a large station with many nearby department stores) and I saw something I hadn't seen before. I'm sure you're all familiar with the sight of people handing out tissue paper or flyers in busy areas. What I saw were some very pushy young men, targeting pretty young girls and women, and almost forcing them to take what they were offering. I was pretty disgusted. Then I saw another guy holding only a thick leather day planner. When he spotted a woman (these guys were like predators) he would walk up close and hold his day planner in front of them while saying something in a hushed voice. After about 5-10 steps, he would finally give up.

I don't really know what these guys were doing. But I have just recently read about people who try to recruit women for various unsavoury jobs. It may have been a similar situation. I wanted to do something, but what? I guess these women could have complained to a security guard or to the police.

We must have similar people in Canada, I have just never seen them. Perhaps they don't make themselves so obvious. Anyhow, that afternoon left me with an unpleasant feeling inside about the world.


Sean O'Hagan said...

(Image thanks to http://www.flickr.com/photos/abuckingham)

Julie said...

I guess the longer you live in a place/country,the more unpleasant things you learn about it....and you know what? this is true for every country to varying degrees and with varying awful incidents.
A huge child pornography ring fom around the world was recently uncovered. MANY of these a..-holes were from Canada..it is unbelievable what they were watching being done to even infants....there are sick shits everywhere and always will be...there is still a slave trade..a sex slave trade..BUT you know what? There are lots of good people and plenty of kind, fun. interesting people..let's continue to stay in that world and leave the others to the police and undercover operations..

Julie said...

Sean thought that maybe I was a little too strong with a few of my words in my last comment. Sometimes, it is very difficult to find any toned down words as adjectives for such horrid people.(child pornography) This is my defence.

Gaijin Girl said...

Yeah, I don't think you were too strong in your wording. People who are into child pornography are the lowest of the low and I think that kind of language to describe them is more than suitable.