Friday, February 15, 2008

The Choc-U-Lator!

I can't forget the gift that my sis sent me. It's a choculator!

This smelled so chocolatey when I was opening the wrapper, and I was so disappointed when I realized that I couldn't eat it! But, I now have a choculator, which I didn't have before, and I can't complain about that.

Thanks Kath!


Anonymous said...

Did it actually smell like chocolate? Ha Ha! Shirankatta~! :P

Well, enjoy! (But don't eat.)

Sean O'Hagan said...

Yup! But when you really smell it well, it smells like weird plastic. I won't eat it, unless I'm really hungry. Or really nerdy.

Julie said...

That DOES look good enough to eat !!!

Sean O'Hagan said...

Shore does!