Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Makizushi Dinner

Two nights ago, Yuu-chan made a traditional Japanese dish. I think it has to do with good luck and warding off evil demons. I will let her explain it more accurately in her blog.

The dish is called makizushi (zushi as in sushi) which is rolled sushi containing fish, vegetables, and various other fillings.

First, you cook and cool rice.
Makizushi preparation

Then, you prepare the fish and long strips of various things.
Makizushi preparation

Here you see cucumber, pickled daikon, carrot, crab, and rolled scrambled egg.
Makizushi preparation

Then you lay out a piece of nori seaweed on to the bamboo roller and add a layer of rice plus the fillings.
Makizushi before rolling

Then you roll it.
Makizushi after rolling

Then you cut it.
Cutting the makizushi

Then you lay it out nicely on a plate or two (with soy and wasabi.)
Just before eating makizushi Makizushi waiting to be eaten

Then you put the leftover filling in a bowl over rice (like donburi).
Leftover filling over rice

Then you eat it!


Anonymous said...

Chou oishisou!! That last pic was of chirashizushi deshou?? One of my faves! Mmmmmm~

Yu-chan said...

Sean, you forgot to write that we put vinegar in the rice!

Julie said...

Yo katta ne? This looks way too delicious !! I need some of Yuuchan's oishii Japanese food !!! Great photos..like a cookbook .

Sean O'Hagan said...

@kat: You're right - I couldn't think of the name. It was delicious!!

@yuu: Oops! You're right - the rice smelled delicious. The sushi vinegar adds a wonderful aroma and flavour.

@mom: Well, get on over here! Tonight we had steak and potatoes. Photos coming in a day or two.

Julie said...

I am on the next plane..get the foods ready !!!! I am okashii ne ? mom

Sean O'Hagan said...

Hahaha... the food is always ready!