Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Japanese IQ

I'm really smart, according to a Japanese IQ test. I couldn't read the instructions, so I fumbled through the quiz, trying my best to match the various diagrams together. Well, I did a bang-up job. The site reported my IQ as being 135, in the top 2% of all of Earth's inhabitants. Wahoo! Take a look at this: (you might have to click it in order to see it properly)


Julie said...

I know you're looking for a major compliment as well as a reminder that you were tested as being gifted.I had forgotten that you were gifted (haha) until I read this post.
Your being gifted meant sending me to Hawaii, remember...since you haven't yet sent me I forgot about your apparent giftedness hahahaha!

Sean O'Hagan said...

Being sent to Hawaii would have entailed you first sending me to a business school for the gifted. You'll have to settle with your trips to Japan, which I sent you to, in a way.

Julie said...

Congratulations on your high score. You are always a GIFT to me : )

Sean O'Hagan said...

Aw, shucks. Thanks!

I noticed I made a mistake. I think I should have written "settle for", not "settle with".